Introducing BETRAYAL – Historical Fiction Anthology #histfic @HistFictioneers

I’m very excited to announce the launch of Betrayal, a historical fiction anthology that I have the honour of being a part of with my story “Honour of Thieves”. Spanning eras from post-Roman Britain to the present day, the stories in Betrayal bring to life both legendary moments of deceit as well as imagined episodes of treachery. You’ll encounter highwaymen, knights, pirates, soldiers and even ordinary people, caught up in extraordinary circumstances. Collectively, these stories illustrate multiple facets of betrayal. Under the banner of Historical Fictioneers, the authors of Betrayal include myself, Judith Arnopp, Anna Belfrage, Derek Birks, Helen Hollick, Amy Maroney,…

Author Spotlight: Anna Belfrage

Continuing my conversation with the contributors of the Historical Novel Society’s anthology, Distant Echoes, I’ve invited author Anna Belfrage to chat about her short story, “The Sharing of a Husband“. Anna has somehow managed to tap into the magic elixir of being a literary powerhouse. She is the author of the critically acclaimed Graham Saga (8 books and counting), the King’s Greatest Enemy series, has been involved in four anthologies, and maintains a regular blog. Her short story, “The Sharing of a Husband”, portrays a woman in Utah who is forced to accept the introduction of polygamy by church decree…

Love & History with Anna Belfrage

Love is an important element in any story, not just in romance. It doesn’t have to be the focus of the story—even a small sprinkling can be enough. I would argue that it’s especially important in historical fiction. We live, we love, we strive to maintain relationships, now and in the past. Love is often the gateway to making a historical figure flesh and blood. Today, I’d like to welcome historical fiction author Anna Belfrage to chat about love + historical fiction. Anna’s knowledge of history spans centuries and across continents. I’m always amazed at the breadth of her knowledge. Not only is she a prolific bestselling…

Spotlight: 1066 Turned Upside Down (Part 2)- Continuing the conversation

On my last blog post, I featured an exciting new speculative historical fiction anthology, 1066 Turned Upside Down. I had the opportunity to chat with many of the authors about what inspired them to create this anthology. If you missed Part 1, click here to read. Today for Part 2, we continue the conversation about their writing and the anthology. Without further ado, I present Annie Whitehead, Alison Morton, Richard Dee, Carol McGrath, Anna Belfrage, and Joanna Courtney. Helen Hollick, in Part I of this blog, Annie Whitehead speculated about post-Hastings Britain if Harold had been victorious. What are your thoughts about how England…

Spotlight: 1066 Turned Upside Down (Part 1)

Have you ever wondered ‘what if’ history turned out a little differently? What if  John F. Kennedy wasn’t shot; what if Charles II had a legitimate heir? Historical fiction authors have a great deal of respect for what actually happened in history and will undertake years of research to ensure they get it right. But once in a while, it’s fun to let the imagination loose and contemplate an alternate reality. This is what an illustrious group of historical fiction authors did. In honour of the upcoming 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings, when King Harold of England was defeated by William the…